Addison has a new game. It's called, "how many ways can you try and put me to sleep while I try desperately to stay awake!" It's really quite fun. If you haven't tried it before you should. Make sure to block off plenty of time because it will take all afternoon and be sure to get all of your game pieces together: bottle, pacifier, blanket, mobile, and swing (or any other rocking/swinging/vibrating device that you would like to use). You may or may not use all of these pieces but they must be in the game at all times. You may draw a card like "diaper change" or "outfit change due to spit up" but there are no cards that read "go to sleep immediately" or "one free two hour nap". Be sure to practice up on any stealthy skills that you may have because they will definitely come into play. You may also want to focus on your arms and back in any workout sessions as these are the muscle groups that will be hit the hardest. The best part of the game is that it can be played as often as you like and as many times a day as you can possibly squeeze in. Once you have won the game the prize is randomly drawn. It could be free time for an hour or it could just be 15 minutes. That is the excitement of the win, you just don't know what you're going to get. Luck does not play a factor in this game but I do wish you God's speed (and I mean God's speediness of getting your little angel to go to sleep).
Warning: this game is not easy and not meant for the short tempered. It is not recommended for adults without children but they may play at their own risk.
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